Join us
Sept 22 for
Car Free Day
Long Island!

Thank you for your participation in the 2024 Car Free Day LI! This year, 3,916 Long Islander’s pledged to be car free or car-lite resulting in the avoidance of 59,536 miles of driving and 78 tons of CO2 emissions. See you again this year!

Car Free Day 2024 Photo Gallery

Car Free Day Long Island 2024 was a smashing success! In case you missed it, see all the action here!

The Awards Are In!

The final standings are here! Check out the winners from 6 different categories.

What is Car Free Day?

Car Free Day is an international event celebrated every September in which people are encouraged to get around without cars and instead ride a train, bus, bicycle, carpool, subway or walk. Join us for Car Free Day Long Island on September 22nd. Learn more.

How our pledgers went car free or car-lite in 2024.

LIRR   35.4%
NICE bus service   9.9%
Suffolk County Transit bus service   9.3%
NYC subway or bus   22.3%
Other Bus   8.1%
Carpool   26.5%
Vanpool   1.1%
Bicycle   31%
Skateboard or Rollerblade   3.1%
Walk   60.6%
Telecommute   7.6%
Other   12.5%

Total percentage equals more than 100%, as participants can check multiple travel options.

Air Quality Report

Help spread the word!

The free toolkit has everything you need to share Car Free Day Long Island with others. Included are marketing materials, logos, sample copy, and more!

Powered by a Dynamic Group of Long Island Partners

Car Free Day Long Island was started by Transit Solutions, 511 NYRideshare, and their program partners in 2013 to help spotlight our mission to reduce traffic and improve air quality on Long Island. What began as a simple idea to observe International Car Free Day has grown into a major event with numerous partners and thousands of participants.